Offices for sale in Türkiye

The search for offices for sale in Turkey is increasing among foreign investors who want to start their investment projects in the country in order to obtain huge profits from safe investments.

The search for offices for sale in Turkey is increasing by foreign investors wishing to start their investment projects in this country, in order to obtain huge profits from safe investments provided to them by the Turkish market, so we will talk through this article about the criteria for selecting these offices and the most important Turkish states that must be invested Offices in it, along with some other details such as office prices and ways to invest in them.

Skyline Real Estate wishes you an enjoyable and useful follow-up.

The most important criteria for choosing offices for sale in Türkiye

Foreign investors and businessmen increasingly tend to invest in the Turkish market, and establish commercial companies and investment projects in all fields, due to the facilities provided by the Turkish government to them. Therefore, the search for offices for sale in Turkey has become very important, especially since any company or activity An investment that needs an office in a vital area to carry out and plan its business.

There are some criteria that help you choose a suitable office to conduct your business, and provide you with a suitable and safe environment for planning, implementation, and communication with customers and employees. Among the most prominent of these criteria that must be seen when browsing the list of offices available for sale in Turkey are the following:

  • Choosing an office in a vibrant Turkish state characterized by a high population density, and the state must have diversified economic and commercial activities and flourished, and not a state characterized by stagnation and economic deficit.
  • The investor must choose an area equipped with various public services and utilities, in order to increase his profit mechanism when investing in offices.
  • Choose the most suitable neighborhood for the business activity you want to practice in order for it to succeed and get the profits you are waiting for, whether you want to sell or rent the office.
  • It is necessary to choose the appropriate address or the appropriate project to buy offices for sale in Turkey, because it has a great impact on the revenues, the nature of the commercial activity or the services that you will provide to customers through the office that you want to buy.
  • Proximity to transportation and public transportation is an important criterion when choosing offices, especially to increase the chances of selling or renting them.
  • The office must provide visitors with a place to park vehicles, provided that the parking lot is close to the office site.
  • The investor should avoid choosing offices on high floors if an elevator is not available in the building, as the difficulty of accessing the office reduces the chances of selling or renting it.
  • The office should be adequately lit and well ventilated in order to help employees accomplish the required tasks, as well as visitors who must be provided with comfort throughout their stay in the office, even if the period is long.
  • The interior office décor must be designed in a manner commensurate with the nature of the business activity.
  • If the purpose of purchasing the office is to rent it, then we advise after furnishing it, as the tenant may want to furnish the office in a way of his own and with his commercial activity.
  • If the office area is 85 square meters, then it will be most suitable for buying offices for sale in Turkey, and the larger the office space, the more comfortable the employees and visitors will feel when they are in it, but this does not mean that the space is small that this is bad, especially if the business does not need more than one office small.

What are the best Turkish states to buy offices?

After we talked about the criteria for selecting offices for sale in Turkey, we must talk about the best places in which it is recommended to buy offices, especially since there are many states in Turkey that are suitable for investment in all its forms and the practice of many distinguished commercial activities, and they are subject to the same laws Which the Turkish government enacted to encourage Turkish and foreign investors to establish various investment projects, and we will mention to you the following the most prominent Turkish states and cities that are witnessing a rising investment movement and it is recommended to buy offices in them:

The Turkish capital, Ankara

The city of Ankara is the second largest densely populated city in Turkey, and the city witnesses a large number of various investment projects in various fields. .

Izmir Province

This city is considered one of the most densely populated archaeological and tourist cities, and it ranks third in population density after the cities of Istanbul and Ankara. The city of Izmir is becoming increasingly popular and attractive quickly and easily in adapting to life, which is considered one of the strongest factors that attract thousands of foreign investors to it.

The state is also suitable for the implementation of many investment projects in all fields, especially in the field of foreign trade, and its location on the Aegean Sea has contributed to this, and it has also been targeted by tourism companies and the organization of tourist parties, in addition to entertainment projects that include restaurants and cafes.

Antalya Province

If you want to know the tourism capital of Turkey, let us tell you that it is the city of Antalya, that large, luxurious city and the first destination for thousands of Russian and European tourists throughout the year, as it is considered a tourist resort in every sense of the word.

This city also mainly attracts foreign investors wishing to invest in the tourism and hotel fields, so we note the abundance of tourist offices and reservation offices for airlines.

Bursa Province

It is one of the oldest Turkish cities that the Turkish government's efforts transformed into a modern and developed city, especially as it is considered one of the best tourist destinations in Turkey that attracts thousands of visitors and tourists annually.

The large numbers of Arab communities have played an important role in the diversity of investment projects in Bursa, and its proximity to Istanbul and the availability of all means of transportation between the two cities has facilitated the work of many commercial companies in the city, as transportation is secure between Bursa and the cities of Istanbul and Ankara.

Ways to invest offices for sale in Türkiye

There are many investment ideas related to buying offices in Turkey, and these ideas bring great profits to investors. As for the investment methods in the field of offices available for sale, they are divided into two ways, namely:

  1. Buying an office and starting the business activity of the investor through it.
  2. Buying an office and then renting it out to anyone who wants to start their own investment.

In addition, there are many investment ideas for offices for sale in Turkey, where they can be adopted as a center for any commercial activity of investors and businessmen, and among these activities:

  • Import and export companies
  • Tour companies
  • Real estate office
  • Money transfer and exchange companies.
  • A company to provide medical services
  • Interpretation companies.

6 aspects that should not be neglected while investing in Türkiye offices

If you choose to invest in offices for sale in Turkey, there are a number of aspects that you must take into account in order to be able to obtain the profits you are waiting for, as follows:

  1. You must choose the payment plan that suits you so that you will not be embarrassed when paying.
  2. Develop a well-thought-out plan in all respects for the investment project that you want to purchase the office to carry out your commercial activity in.
  3. Developing and conducting a feasibility study for the project through which expected profits are evaluated and predicted.
  4. Hire employees with great experience in the field in which you want to invest.
  5. Enhancing e-marketing plans for the project
  6. Enjoy patience until you reach the desired results from your investment project.

Through this article, Skyline Real Estate provided you with the most important information about the criteria for selecting offices for sale in Turkey. It also mentioned to you a group of guaranteed ways to invest in offices as well as various investment ideas, in addition to mentioning the most important states in which offices should be purchased due to the high investment value in them.

We at Skyline Real Estate are pleased to answer your inquiries in everything related to real estate investment in Turkey.